Coaching for Teens and Parents
Navigating Transitions and Building Better Relationships
Teens today are under more pressure than ever. Between critical time lost to the pandemic to the ever-increasing demand so many feel to achieve academically and socially, it can feel like running on a treadmill to graduation. With such an intent focus on college admissions, it can feel like there’s no time for anything else. But what this race leaves out too often means crucial skill-building is deferred and our fundamental connections are neglected. In short, college admission is not the same as college readiness.
A kid who has done little else but study and school activities for most of high school will likely get into any number of their schools of choice, but how will you know your teen is ready? And as for parents and caregivers, are you ready?
LAUNCH helps teens and their families plan for college move-in day by focusing on three fundamental areas of preparation and growth: Communication, Emotional Regulation, and Life Skills This time is an opportunity to build resilience, embrace change, and practice the skills required to launch. It is a time fraught with hopes and expectations, but also grief and worry. Just as parents anticipate the “empty nest” (or emptier nest), teens also must wrestle with leaving childhood behind and tolerate the uncertainty of the unknown ahead.
It is almost impossible to avoid headlines about the state of young people’s mental health today. High school and college students are experiencing anxiety and depression at record rates. LAUNCH supports families by laying a foundation to help ease this transition and give teens and their parents the tools to feel confident that they can handle whatever comes their way. It is not a guarantee your child won’t need support in the future or a replacement for therapy. Rather, it is an intentional process to help your family feel ready for your teen’s launch, as well as whatever challenges lie beyond.
With coaching, we will assess where you and your teen are and where you want to be using tools, exercises, and experiential assignments tailored to your goals and needs. I will be your accountability partner each step of the way as we work together to map your road ahead.